This book explains the Tablet of Cebes (included in this volume) as a path to enlightenment, an initiation into spiritual mysteries, and a way to live a happy life. The ancient text of The Tablet, which dates back to at least the first century CE, describes a large tablet or plaque that had been set up in a temple of Kronos by a Pythagorean initiate. An old sage answers the viewers' questions and explains the mysterious images and how they show the way to live well and happily. At a first level of interpretation the text teaches Stoicism, but to those who understand the symbols, the text reveals the path to initiation in the Pythagorean mysteries. The extensive commentary provided here explains this deeper meaning and shows the way to spiritual enlightenment. For convenience this edition includes an introduction and illustrated translation of the text (also published separately) and the detailed commentary explaining its deeper meaning. The translation of The Tablet includes an introduction and sixteen colored illustrations adapted from a woodcut of the tablet by Hans Holbein the Younger, and the commentary includes more than fifty contemporary color illustrations generated specially for this text by artificial intelligence. These illustrations help to reveal the symbolic meaning, and their contemplation will guide one along the path to enlightenment. Available softcover, hardcover, and kindle ebook.